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Dropshipping Process: How To Build Your Own Ecommerce Empire From Home

By Artyom K.

dropshipping process

Are you sick of your 9-to-5 job? Do you need a stable source of high income? Are you eager to start your own business, but you don’t have seed capital? Take a look at dropshipping process and see how easy you can handle it even as a newcomer!

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Why might you become interested in the dropshipping process?

what dropshipping process look like

Only some decades ago, a 9-to-5 job seemed to be the only way to make money and achieve something. That’s why people left their strength on such workplaces. What’s more, many of them had several jobs.

You’d think that if you don’t want to go to a regular job, you can start your own business. In fact, this is a pretty good idea! However, in most cases, it’s not that simple.

Starting your business often requires at least seed capital. And due to this very reason, most people have to give up this idea and get back to their regular jobs.

Fortunately, there is a way out for them now – starting a dropshipping business!

Dropshipping process: how does it work?

how dropshipping works

First of all, let’s talk about what dropshipping means.

Dropshipping is a business model which means that you resell the products at low retail prices in your online store on a long-term basis.

Dropshipping is a business model which means that you resell the products at low retail prices in your online store on a long-term basis.

And how does this model differ from a regular offline store? Actually, it differs a lot.

Dropshipping implies that you don’t have to keep products in stock. Great, isn’t it?

So what does the dropshipping process look like?

1) You create an online store and fill this website up with products from reliable suppliers.

2) When a customer orders something from your store, you contact your supplier and order the particular product for your customer from the supplier.

That’s it! The difference between your and your supplier’s prices is your profit!

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about the dropshipping process and making money with it.

The question remains, how to choose a dropshipping supplier?

How to choose a supplier for your dropshipping business?


Depending on what supplier you choose to deal with will determine your path to success in your dropshipping process. So, you need to do your due diligence in the selection phase.

When you’re setting everything up, you should arrange everything to go through the manufacturer of the products. The fewer middlemen are included in the process, the bigger your profits will be.

Fortunately, by dealing with a supplier on AliExpress, you can find a reliable manufacturer that will offer high-quality products at low prices.

Looking for a supplier to target the US market? Have you heard of Sellvia? Sellvia is a groundbreaking ecommerce ecosystem. It’s aimed at covering plenty of online business areas – from product sourcing, storing, and packaging to branding and promotion.So, what exactly should you take into account when choosing a dropshipping supplier?

  • The store rating

In the online space, it is considerably more difficult to hide all the flaws an online supplier has, especially on such a major marketplace as AliExpress.

If an online store has a poor reputation on the Internet, it is widely known by internet users. So, first and foremost, look at the supplier’s reputation and store rating.

  • How long has the supplier been active

Reputation is built over time, so, the longer the supplier has been doing business supplying products, the more reliable he appears to be.

The combination of quality products and the longevity of the supplier should instill more confidence in the choice.

  • The number of followers/subscribers

Who would you trust more, a seller with five thousand followers or a seller with a few hundred?

It’s obvious, but still should be mentioned that the more followers/subscribers an online supplier has, the more trustworthy he is.

  • The feedback

If you’re dealing with a supplier from a major marketplace, such as AliExpress, there’s usually a feedback section. There you can thoroughly examine what have the customers have to say about the suppliers’ products and services.

  • The quality of visuals

The quality of the visual materials can tell a lot about the services of a dropshipping supplier. If the supplier’s product offering includes great product pictures then you’re on the right track.

In addition, if they have great photos, images, and even videos of the products, you can include them in your future marketing campaigns.

How do you benefit from a well-managed dropshipping process?

start business without investment

In practice, dropshipping has lots of benefits when compared with typical business models. To prove the point, let’s name the most important ones.

So, if you want to start your business, dropshipping is going to be a perfect decision because it is characterized by the following:

1) Requires no investments

Don’t you have enough money to start your business? Here is good news for you: dropshipping doesn’t require start-up capital because due to this business model you don’t have to keep items in stock. What’s more, you don’t risk anything since you don’t pay for products in advance, but only after a potential customer makes a purchase in your online store.

2) Requires no experience

Don’t you know anything about ecommerce? Haven’t you created an ecommerce store before? In fact, it absolutely doesn’t matter! AliDropship is happy to provide you with a free ultimate guide on how to start a dropshipping business! What’s more, you can order a custom dropshipping store or an established store.

3) Lets you make all the decisions

Are you tired of having a boss? Does it seem to you that you are ready to take responsibility for all the decisions? Due to the dropshipping business model, you will forget about bureaucracy! It’s only you who determines your business direction.

4) Requires no extra staff besides you

Have you ever heard the proverb ‘Self-help is the best help’? In dropshipping, you don’t need extra people to manage your ecommerce store, fulfill orders, provide customer support service, etc. Due to the high level of dropshipping automation, you have an opportunity to have your business journey with ease!

5) Can be combined with a regular job

Don’t you want to quit your 9-to-5 job? So you will be glad to know that dropshipping doesn’t require a lot of time, so you can easily combine your regular job and ecommerce business. If your online store still takes you a lot of time, AliDropship is ready to provide you with products and services with significantly facilitate your business. So you can get the AliDropship plugin, services, add-ons, etc.

6) Puts no limits on your profit

In fact, nothing is able to limit your business. You can expand the product range, increase the number of your online stores, etc. You can even find new suppliers with lower prices to make your supply chain more profitable for you.

7) Has lots of ways to promote

If you think that it is going to be challenging to promote your online stores, it’s definitely not true. In practice, your business will have lots of promotion ways. You can advertise it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

Speaking about Instagram, you may use Instagram shoutouts since it can be a lot more profitable for you. By the way, if you have no opportunity to spend time on advertising, you may use Facebook & Instagram ads service.

As you can see, a dropshipping business model has lots of advantages, let you easily make money without leaving your place of comfort, and doesn’t require you to quit your regular job. Sounds tempting, doesn’t it?

get store

Dropshipping process: how to start a profitable ecommerce business from home – a step-by-step guide

start ecommerce business

1) Perform business analysis

First of all, it’s necessary to analyze the market you’re going to come in. Then, choose a niche that seems the most promising for you. Please, don’t forget that it would be a great idea to start a business that is more than familiar to you. In that case, you are more likely to succeed in your ecommerce journey since you know what you provide your customers with.

After you have chosen a niche, it’s high time to look for reliable suppliers and high-quality products in order to add them to your online store. Fortunately, AliDropship is ready to give you an irreplaceable dropshipping tool – AliDropship Insights which lets you easily find trusted suppliers, promising products, etc. By the way, this database includes several thousand top-performing items for you to dropship. And it’s absolutely free!

When performing a business analysis, it’s essential to write a dropshipping business plan. You need to find your target audience, determine the ways to stand out from other online stores, and so on.

So pay as much attention as possible to this step, and this will double your chances of success!

2) Create a website for your online store

At this stage, you have already analyzed the market and prepared a business plan. So it’s time to create a website for your online store! What should a newcomer know about this?

At first, you need to buy a domain name and hosting. If you want to evaluate how much a particular domain name will cost, you can go to GoDaddy and feel free to choose the name you like more. That’s clear, but what about hosting? Actually, you need to get hosting in order to make your website visible to Internet users.

Creating an online store is not a challenging task. However, if you don’t want to deal with any technicalities, you may order a custom store from a team of AliDropship experts. They will do their best to build an online store in accordance with your preferences.

Moreover, if you don’t want to spend your free time customizing your store and so on, now you have a chance to purchase established stores with income. These are online stores that have been working for a particular period of time and bring money to their owners.

By the way, when thinking of an ecommerce business, some users want to get a WooCommerce online store. This is going to be a bit complex to build a store on Woo, though it can give you several benefits.

Don’t forget that you need to apply a theme to your online store. So in order to get a theme for your store, you can also go visit AliDropship because we are glad to present to you our wide variety of themes. On that page, you can also find themes for WooCommerce stores.

Well, as soon as you have created your online store, you can start filling it up with products.

3) Promote your store

Then, your store is actually ready. Some potential customers visited your website and even made several purchases. However, if you want to make a fortune with dropshipping, you need to generate leads. So think of how to promote your online store!

In fact, dropshipping lets you use almost any promotional channels you want. So you can create accounts for your online store on the most promising social media platforms. Then, consider creating a blog on your website. An affiliate program is also going to be extremely profitable too in terms of generating leads.

And so on, and so forth! There are so many ways to make your business more profitable!

4) Expand your business

If you have successfully started your online business, and this business model brings you money, what should you do next? Well, nothing but expand your business!

In fact, you don’t have any limits for your business at all. Does your online store work great and serve as a stable source of high income for you? So, try to extend your product list, think of related niches, etc. Finally, create one more store!

Dropshipping FAQ’s for beginners


  • Is the dropshipping process legal?

Yes, dropshipping is completely legal. However, dropshippers should keep in mind the suppliers they are dealing with, and pay attention to various trademarks and intellectual property.

  • Is dropshipping profitable?

Dropshipping is definitely profitable. However, just like any other business it all depends on a number of factors.

It doesn’t require a lot of investments to get started in dropshipping. All you need to do is find high-quality products, a reliable supplier, an online store where you can showcase your products, and that’s basically it. Once you have all of that, you simply need to establish an advertising strategy to showcase your products on various online platforms.

  • How do I create an online store?

Starting a dropshipping business you obviously require an online store. This ponders the question of how does one creates an online store? Don’t worry, you don’t need to learn any specific skills or have any background knowledge.

Now you can find lots of online solutions that offer their services to create an online store. In fact, you don’t have to go far to find this. AliDropship offers to create a top-notch online store made specifically for you.

get store

Final thoughts

benefit from dropshipping process

As you can see, starting a dropshipping business is going to be a perfect decision for those who wish to make a fortune with his own ecommerce business. Just imagine that you have an opportunity to make money online without leaving your place of comfort.

What’s more, with dropshipping, you can work from anywhere in the world. And it’s coupled with no investments, no extra staff, and so on. Sounds tempting, doesn’t it?

When thinking of starting a dropshipping business, you should remember that it doesn’t require any special skills or experience in ecommerce. Meanwhile, this business can provide you with a high-profit margin.

Finally, you will be engaged in meaningful work. You are to provide people from all over the world with an opportunity to purchase high-quality goods at wholesale prices – that is extremely low if compared with the retail ones in an offline store.

So, if you want to build your own financial empire, this is high time to start a dropshipping business! And AliDropship is going to help you make your business journey as convenient and profitable as possible!

By Artyom K.
Artyom is a senior copywriter at AliDropship. Having received a BA degree in International Communication and MA degree in Advertising, he started his career working in a multinational petrochemical enterprise as a marketing specialist. To date, for a number of years, Artyom has been sharing the latest ecommerce trends with you, creating guides on how to start an online business from scratch, and keeping you updated on new IT solutions that help you optimize your venture.
Chisom 4 years ago

Please how can I get started? Am interested

Olga L. 4 years ago

Hi, thank you for your interest!
Our manager will get in touch with you soon.
Meanwhile, please, watch these videos: – it explains how to make a dropshipping store yourself with the help of our plugin – it explains how to get a fully ready dropshipping store individually prepared by our team

Elizabeth 4 years ago

I’ve approached some suppliers about dropshipping their products and been turned down. How do you find suppliers that are actually willing to become dropshipping partners?

Olga L. 4 years ago

Hi, thank you for your question!
Please, take a look at this free database of the best AliExpress dropshipping suppliers:

Mary essien 3 years ago

Please I’m interested help me get started

Olga L. 3 years ago

Hi, thank you for your interest!
Our manager will get in touch with you soon via email.

Noxolo 3 years ago

Hey I’m interested in starting but I have a couple of questions On how this works exactly. I’m in Johannesburg South Africa

Olga L. 3 years ago

Hi, thank you for your question!
Our manager will get in touch with you soon via email.
You are welcome to read this article on dropshipping in South Africa:

jnisstel enterprise 3 years ago

Please am in Nigeria how do I start my dropship business I urgently want to start. I came across on facebook . I really want to start kindly assist me on how to go about. How will I start
your quick response will be highly appreciated


Artyom K. 3 years ago

Hello, thank you for the interest!
If you are ready to start a dropshipping business, please check all the options AliDropship is glad to provide you with –
Please note that you can also ask for free consultation on the page mentioned above

Albasser 3 years ago

hi have a nice day i am interested can you help me to build my online store

Olga L. 3 years ago

Hi, thank you for your interest!
Kindly look through the options here and choose what you like most – you can also ask for a free consultation on this page!

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