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How To Find Products to Sell on Amazon: Insider Secrets Every Seller Should Know

By Denis K.

products to sell on Amazon article cover

Seeking a rewarding venture you can manage from your cozy home? Well, Amazon might just be your golden ticket! Boasting a staggering 200 million unique visitors each month, Amazon stands as an unparalleled platform for selling a myriad of products to an expansive audience. Yet, with an ocean of choices present, one can’t help but ponder how to find products to sell on Amazon? Let’s embark on a journey to unveil the answer.

We’re about to navigate you through the A to Z of pinpointing lucrative items to list on Amazon. From finding in-demand products and niches to assessing rivals and handpicking the apt products tailored for your venture, this guide has got you covered. Gear up to delve into the world of Amazon selling, primed to not just participate, but thrive!

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How to find the best product categories to venture into Amazon


Choosing the right products for Amazon’s vast marketplace is an art. It’s all about finding that sweet spot between high demand and low competition. Think of it like finding a hidden treasure in a vast ocean – challenging, yes, but not impossible with the right map.

What do you love? What hobbies or products light up your eyes when you talk about them? That passion can be a secret weapon. When you truly believe in what you’re selling, it shines through, making your marketing efforts more genuine and effective.

But passion alone won’t cut it. Keep an ear to the ground. What products are Amazon shoppers raving about? Are there emerging trends just waiting for someone like you to tap into? Spotting a rising trend before everyone else does can be your golden ticket.

Ready to enter the world’s most profitable ecommerce platform and hit the new revenue levels? We’ll lend you a hand with your account creation and adjustments, shipping settings and product listings!

However, don’t get dazzled by the spotlight of high-demand products without looking at the price tag. Some popular items, while tempting, might eat into your profits due to hidden costs or additional fees. Always do the math to ensure you’re making a profit.

In short, to ace your Amazon product selection, mix in-depth research with a dash of personal interest, a sprinkle of market trend awareness, and a good sense of profit calculation. With a bit of dedication and clever thinking, you’ll find your profitable niche in the bustling Amazon marketplace.

How to find products to sell on Amazon?

Finding the right product for Amazon can feel like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. Each strategy is like a puzzle piece that, when combined, provides a clearer picture. Let’s explore these effective tactics:

  • Use product research tools

Tools like Jungle Scout, Helium 10, and AMZScout are like secret weapons. They help you navigate Amazon’s vast product sea, providing insights on sales, revenue, and customer reviews. Some even offer a peek into what your competitors are up to.

  • Dive into keyword research

Using Amazon’s keyword search is like reading the market’s mind. Input relevant keywords and see what products pop up. Boost this method by checking Google Trends or SEMrush to see which keywords are hot right now.

  • Get inspired on Pinterest

Think of Pinterest as a crystal ball for products. Search with niche-specific keywords and check out the pins and boards that appear. Besides ideas, Pinterest can also give you a heads-up on emerging trends.

  • Check out Amazon’s best sellers

Amazon’s Best Sellers page is a treasure trove of top products. Filter results by niche to see which products are making waves. But remember, popular products often mean tough competition.

  • Dive deep with Amazon’s trend report

Amazon’s Trend Report is like a guide to the marketplace’s stars. It gives insights into consistent top-performers and hints at up-and-coming market areas.

  • Spot “Best Seller” badges

While browsing Amazon, look for the “Best Seller” badge. Clicking on these can provide insights like sales rank and user reviews. The “Customers Who Bought This Also Bought” section can also suggest additional product ideas.

  • Peek into other marketplaces

Sites like eBay and Etsy can offer a fresh take on what’s trending. Look at their bestsellers for ideas that might be a hit on Amazon, but always make sure they fit Amazon’s rules.

In short, mixing and matching these strategies will up your game in selecting top products for Amazon. With thorough research, an eye for trends, and a dash of determination, you’re on the path to Amazon success!

Guidelines for handpicking your Amazon inventory


Navigating to success on Amazon largely depends on the products you pick. It’s crucial that your products resonate with your audience. Here’s a simple guide to help you make the best choices:

Cost considerations

Before you commit to a product, familiarize yourself with all the associated costs. This includes buying the product, shipping fees, Amazon’s cut, and other costs related to selling on Amazon. Understanding these costs is key to ensuring you make a good profit.

Shipping and logistics

Think about the logistics of your product. How easy is it to ship? Are there any legal hurdles or specific rules that might prevent its sale on Amazon? Make sure you’re in line with Amazon’s packaging and labeling requirements to avoid any issues.

Understanding the market

It’s vital to know your competition. Look at how many sellers offer similar products and how good their listings are. While it’s great to find products with little competition, even highly competitive products can be profitable if you bring something unique to the table.

What do customers want?

Get into the minds of your customers. Does the product you’re considering meet their wants and needs? Focus on products that are in high demand but aren’t widely available. Customer reviews can be gold mines of information about what people like and what they’re looking for.

Profit potential

Your product’s profitability is crucial. Look at both the potential profit per sale and how often you expect to sell. Tools like Jungle Scout or Helium 10 can give you a good idea of expected sales and profits.

In short, careful evaluation based on these criteria will set you on the path to selecting top-notch products for Amazon. Stay dedicated to thorough research and always keep your customers’ needs in mind. With these insights, you’re well-equipped to build a successful journey on Amazon, filled with achievements and growth.

Start your Amazon side hustle swiftly with AliDropship

how to find products to sell on Amazon with AliDropship

Curious about how Amazon sellers make their money? Let’s break it down! With AliDropship, creating a thriving online store becomes a breeze. Our dedicated team helps you establish a foothold on top digital platforms, sidestepping usual hurdles like stock issues.

Ready to enter the world’s most profitable ecommerce platform and hit the new revenue levels? We’ll lend you a hand with your account creation and adjustments, shipping settings and product listings!

Simply put, combining Amazon with AliDropship offers a goldmine for those eager to make their mark in ecommerce. With determination, the right knowledge, and essential tools, achieving success is more than just a dream—it’s within your grasp.

The best part? You could reach your goals faster than you think!

Established stores & Turnkey Amazon business

Thinking about starting an Amazon side hustle without all the extra work? AliDropship has your back with our Established Dropshipping Stores!

Ever wondered what sets AliDropship storefronts apart? They’re not just your average online stores. They stand as a testament to strategic planning, expert execution, and tangible results. Their secret? The meticulous touch of AliDropship’s Ecommerce Department. Simply put, these aren’t mere dropshipping stores; they’re meticulously nurtured by AliDropship.

  • The journey from idea to impact

Every great business starts with a spark of inspiration. AliDropship’s team constantly surveys the ecommerce landscape, identifying promising sectors ready for a deep dive. Once they spot a golden opportunity, they craft a comprehensive website.

After carefully curating products and refining the site, the magic of marketing begins. Using various channels and savvy tactics, they steer the store’s growth skyward.

The result? A loyal customer base and a standout brand presence.

  • Artistry in design

Every site is a crafted gem, free from tech glitches and fine-tuned for a delightful user experience.

  • Ready-made success

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  • Guided path to prosperity

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  • Consistent backup

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  • Seamless integration with Amazon [Bonus]

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In essence, with AliDropship’s Established store, you’re getting the best of both worlds: a proven ecommerce foundation combined with the vast reach of Amazon. It’s not just about launching an online store; it’s embarking on a journey with a clear roadmap to triumph.

Charting your Amazon success journey

Ready to make your mark on Amazon? With over 200 million unique visitors each month, the opportunity to build a successful online business right from your home is more than just a dream — it’s within reach.

Ready to enter the world’s most profitable ecommerce platform and hit the new revenue levels? We’ll lend you a hand with your account creation and adjustments, shipping settings and product listings!

Remember, your customers should always be at the center of your strategy. Stay updated with market trends and keep an ear out for emerging niches. Utilize product research tools, delve deep into keyword analysis, and employ a range of methods to identify sought-after products that lack fierce competition. As you choose products, consider factors like cost, logistics, competition, and what your target audience truly desires.

So, if you’re wondering how to cherry-pick products to sell on Amazon, realize that in today’s digital era bursting with resources, the idea of launching your Amazon venture is more appealing than ever. With the knowledge we’ve shared, you’re set on a path to success. Want to amplify your ecommerce game? Reach out for a chat with our expert business advisors. Dive headfirst into the exciting world of ecommerce and kickstart your impressive Amazon journey. Cheers to flourishing businesses and joyful selling!

By Denis K.
Denis is a copywriter at AliDropship. Having graduated from the Faculty of International Business as a specialist in advertising, he explores the rapidly changing and evolving digital marketing industry and feels committed to sharing his findings with a wider reader’s audience.

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