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Rahul Patil’s Journey From 0 to $12,000 In 5 Months With A Single AliDropship Store

By Yaroslav Nevsky

drop shipping success story
Meet Rahul, the author of another exciting success story! For some time, he experimented with various opportunities to make money online, but after he tried AliDropship plugin, he understood he should look no further. Here you can read more about Rahul’s whole online entrepreneurship journey and his opinion about the technical side and possibilities of the plugin. And below, you’ll find the details of his inspiring dropshipping journey.

Hi, please introduce yourself 🙂

My name is Rahul Patil. I live in India. I quit my job in 2014 to pursue my passion for blogging, SEO and passive income life. I am in an internet marketing business since last 3 years. For first 2.5 years blogging and SEO was my focus. I still love those things but now I am also focusing on e-commerce and dropshipping business. At present I have some Amazon affiliate websites, adsense websites and few e-commerce stores.

How many stores do you have now? What is their performance?

I have 3 e-commerce stores right now. I am planning to launch 2 more stores but waiting for this black Friday discounts on hosting, domains as well as discounts on Alidropship plug-in licenses. I think I will save good amount of money on this black Friday. Haha.

Though all 3 stores are doing well, I would like to share performance and income screen shots of my first store. I made my first e-commerce sell on this store. Talking about the performance, this store is constantly doing $2000+ business/month since last 5 months. Here are the most recent results:

drop shipping sales report October - November

In last 6 months, store cross $12,000+ sells. Actually products I am selling here are seasonal products so I am expecting increase in sells from January. You can check few sells screenshots below.

drop shipping sales report May

drop shipping sales report June

drop shipping sales report July

How did you choose the niches?

I focus on 2 major things while choosing the niche for products. Does this product solve any problem? My personal experience is if product is solving people’s problem then you will get better conversion. Another type of product which works for me is product that excites you. If you are a football lover and saw t-shirt having name, autograph or quote of your favorite player. Most of the time you will like to buy that. I also experience one more thing, if product is easily available in stores or malls then try to avoid that product.

How did you choose products and suppliers for your store? How do you set the prices?

While choosing product, I try to select suppliers having good feedbacks from customers. Read customer reviews on their products, if customers are complaining about processing time or quality of that product then stay away from that product. If product costing me $5 including shipping then I set price around $20 to $25. You may call me greedy but it’s everyone’s personal preference. If quality of your product is good and it’s exclusive enough then people will buy.

Do you remember the first sale made from your store? What have you done to achieve it? How soon did it happen?

Yes, I still remember that. I also remember my first $ I earn from my online work. I already quit my highly paying job, for 3 months I was just working on my blogs and suddenly one day I saw $2 income from my affiliate sells. I couldn’t express that feeling in words but it was one of the best day of my life. That time I knew that it is possible to earn working from home. Same thing happened when I made my first sell on my store. I was facing some financial problems and that time spending money on new project and ads was really difficult. I was running ads since last 3 to 4 days and at the time of dinner I got email notification in my mobile. After reading that purchase email I was literally jumping here and there. First sell is always special.

How do you promote your stores?

One thing I learn from my blogging life, you should not depend on single source of income as well as you should not depend on single source of traffic. If you are doing Facebook ads or Goggle Adwords then what will you do if these guys close your account? So I am trying Influencers, Facebook ads as well as Google adwords. Depending on your niche.

How much time does it take you every day to manage your stores? Which task(s) demand more time than others? What are the most difficult challenges? How do you deal with them?

My current stores hardly take an hour. They are almost running passively. Placing orders and replying to emails of customers, these 2 tasks are taking my time. Sometimes I try different things to improve my conversions like changing descriptions, images etc. but that’s not daily work. I think, if you have proper e-commerce mindset, you can face any challenge. For some days conversions are really good and on some days it sucks. For me it is working like that only. So having proper mindset is really important.

How do you deal with difficult customers (if you have any)?

Initially Alidropship was not updating shipping status automatically. So I was just sending order email to customers. After that there was no email regarding shipping or tracking IDs. That time some customers used to open disputes in PayPal and if you are new to these things then these dispute emails can really disturb you. At present, there are very few customers’ queries as I am already sending them shipping email with tracking ID.

No, I didn’t register my business so don’t know much about legal requirements. I am paying my taxes on time and I think currently that’s enough for me.

What are your plans for future?

I am planning to start few niche related stores after black Friday. I am also planning to start few SEO projects.

What can you advise our readers – those who already run their stores and those who didn’t start the business yet?

The day you stop growing, you will eventually fall. This is the biggest lesson I learn from my life. I was doing 4 figures USD/month from my SEO blogs and I stop taking actions. I was enough for me to live comfortable life and I became lazy. After few months my Google updates slap me hard and teach me probably best lesson of my life.

Now specifically for guys who are not earning from their stores, I will tell them, Please don’t quit. Many people told me that they wasted hundreds of dollars in ads or stores still no income. This is the problem, if you are thinking that you are wasting money then this is not the right mindset for e-commerce business. You are investing money to learn these things so don’t say you are wasting money. I know people who spend thousands of dollars before finding their first winning product and now they are doing great.

Finally, Thanks a lot Yaros for inviting me in this success journey series. I can’t think of making my e-commerce store without your plug-in now. It’s just matter of hours before we start importing our products. Thanks a lot once again!

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By Yaroslav Nevsky
Yaroslav is a founder of AliDropship Community helping people worldwide to start and run a successful dropshipping business.
Lateefah 6 years ago

Hi Rahul, thanks for your words of inspiration. My questions to you:

Do you have a landing page your visitors go to after clicking your ad or do they land directly on the product page in your store?

Do you have articles/blog in your store?

What is the average shipping time for your products?

What is the average number of articles you have in your blogs you use for affiliate marketing?

wesley 4 years ago

can you teach me how to start a online business ?

Netra Bordewa 4 years ago

Dear Sir
I have no IT background .Even I wanted to start alidroshipping business .Would you please share me some key points to be success.
with Thanks
Netra Bordewa .

Lateefah 6 years ago

..and oh, I forgot to add, well done and good job!

Rajeevan Moothal 4 years ago

I have ant to start a Alidropship business. How to start I don’t know. Please help me.

Ashish mathesul dr 6 years ago

I am aashish mathesul from Pune India. Can we work together to get some really good health care products by drop shipping under professional guidance. I am dentist myself having 15 Yrs of Clinics in pune, which my extensive client base.plz ping me on 8983101099 or Whatsapp me

Liang 6 years ago

Well Done Rahul, Could you mind share with us more on how do you work on FB Ads or Google Adwords? And how much marketing budget do you allocate per month?

Amit 6 years ago

Hi Rahul. You will be a life saver if you help me get answer to the following question. Do payment gateways allow taking payments from customer without business registring my business in India? Do I need a current account as well?
Please please please help. Thanks and keep going..

Keerthan 6 years ago

Hello Amit bhaiia, U don’t need a current account, u can use 2checkout or even PayPal to accept credit and debit cards from International Buyers, I am also from India (Bangalore) I use both Paypal and 2Checkout Payment Gateways!


Subhankar Choudhury 6 years ago

Hi, really a good read. I am from India too I was about to drop out of this dropshipping business because of only one problem. I am not able to run facebook ads. Every time I try to run them my account gets flagged and I absolutely have no idea at all why its happening. Can someone please help me with it? I will have to close down my shopify store if I can run any ads. I feel so useless now as I am not able to get traffic to my website.

hans 6 years ago is inspire me a lot.. but to start a business, e-commerce or online, 2 things that i afraid of, money and focus.

Alex Drastico 6 years ago

Yes that’s true. Setting up an e-commerce store is the easiest and cheapest part. Then you need perseverance and good budgets for marketing. Many people fail because they think running facebook ads for few bucks a day is enough. That brings you nothing.

Nduka Enuma 6 years ago

Congratulations to you Rahul Patil!

You have done well for yourself.

I will also like to commend Yaroslav Nevsky for creating such a profitable platform for online entrepreneurs to start earning big time.


Mas Nanang 6 years ago

Hai Rahul, Thank you for your inspiration

Muhammad Ibrahim 6 years ago

Congratulations! Well said we should struggle with patience and perseverance and surely we will see light at the other end of the tunnel! From Ibrahim from the Republic of Mauritius

Dipak 6 years ago

Hi Rahul,
I am Dipak from Pune. I have dropshipping store but I am still struggling to get even a order.I need your help. Can you please connect me on my personal email – dipak.kakade87@gmail.con?

Arun kanwar 6 years ago

Rahul sir, can you plz contact me i need some help regarding payment gateways. You said you did not registered your business but how you got payment then i am not able to set a payment gateway without registered business. Plz contact

KRISHNA Mydur 6 years ago

Hi Rahul .
Could you talk to me personal.My email ID is mydur111@ gmail.

Jagdeep 6 years ago

hi rahul .i want to start this business .but don’t have any experience…..really need a help…contact me if u can 9780298345

wesley 4 years ago

can you teach me how to start a online business ?

Chetan 6 years ago

Hi Rahul
I m from Surat
Can you please send me link of your store

Dillion 6 years ago

Hi Rahul,

Would love to have a chat with you!

prashant mantri 5 years ago

hi rahul,
i am inspiring to read your journey. i am newbie to drop shipping. i thought to starting a e- commerce business with aliexpress plugin. so please can give me your store links to visit and references.

Basheer MH 5 years ago

Hi Rahul,

You are great

i have been in to one year in drop shipping still trying to get one order in one month,

SRikkant 5 years ago

Hi Mr. Aashish , just curious to to know whether Mr. Rahul replied to your question n did you start your dropshipping ? And pls share about the products you intend to dropship .regards srikkant

Amir Balouch 5 years ago

I am from Pakistan. I have read and understand all about drop shipping business. I also have all the required skills. I am only woried about one aspect, how can i open a merchant account? Or i can get payments through some other medium? Or can i get payments in my bank acvouny through PayPal?

Yaroslav Nevsky 5 years ago

You need to have PayPal. When money from purchases comes to your PayPal account, you can transfer funds to your bank then.

Gowtham Prabhu 5 years ago

Hi Rahul Patil
Your journey in e commerce was very inspiring

What are the 3 e-commerce stores you have?
Send me the link please

RIZWANA 5 years ago

Do. I need to have website for this or alidropship will provide a website to us.

Sanjay 5 years ago

Hi Rahul,

I’m completely a new member of this discussion board. I’ve few questions just running on my mind and I’m not getting any proper solutions for it. So before I start of dropshipping business I need to get these solutions. So please help me for the same. You are just having this business. I’m completely a new one for this. I’m from India. Need to start dropping store. Please help me

Here are few questions

How to purchase from Aliexpress the same product after getting order from my dropshipping store.? Can I just purchasing the same product having credit card of own?

What types of payment method are used on Aliexpress on purchasing products after getting order from customer from dropshipng store?

How to contact seller if any issues will be created on shipping?.

I need to discuss either via phone or email. My phone: 9681943038 & email id:

Arin panday 5 years ago

Hi rahul can we talk regarding the ali door shoping I need to know every thing please ping me on my whatsapp no 8967289023.

Hopping a positive response from your end.

Suraj Singh 4 years ago

I have a store recently setup in shopify.

But in India, we don’t have much payment gateways. I trued using Paypal, Razorpay but both are thowing error becuase of different base currency i.e. USD set in my shopify store.

I tried same with INR base and it worked fine. I am targetting USA customers thus INR is not a good option and shopify checkout option always shows amounts in base currency at checkout page even if you have Currency conversion.

So how to deal with this situation where we can have base currency in USD and still can work with payment gateways.

Joyson John 4 years ago

Good Story.
But what are the stores URL of Rahul? If it revealed we can trust you.

Olga L. 4 years ago

Hi, thank you for your interest!

The store owners sharing their success stories in our blog never disclose their store addresses for safety reasons.

They fear the possibility of losing customers who might switch to AliExpress, and they don’t want other entrepreneurs to copy their designs, promotional strategies, and product offerings.

Neel 4 years ago

Why are you waiting for black Friday offer for purchasing hosting!! Already you have a huge amount of money! I am laughing. It is a bulk story! How funny is it!

Harry bardoliya 3 years ago

Hey rahul
I m harry from india
I want to start dropshipping business plz help me….Reply on my mail.

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