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How To Use Twitter For Business Promotion: 21 Tips For Dropshipping Store Owners

By Olga L.


Are you promoting your dropshipping store on Twitter? Take a look at our selected tips to learn how to use Twitter for business promotion – and boost your store performance with zero expenses!

The list of business-friendly social networks goes far beyond well-known Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.

Today, we will talk about Twitter – a great communication tool that can help you build connections with influencers and clients, monitor specific discussion topics and news, and showcase your business to incredibly promising customer audiences all around the globe.

Why you should be using Twitter for business promotion


Let’s consider facts and research data.

According to the Hootsuite findings, 330 million people all over the globe use Twitter every month – notably, 79% of them live outside the US.

As we can find it out from the internal Twitter stats, 80% of this social network users are ‘affluent millennials’: mostly, Twitter fans are 18-29 years old, and they have an above-average income.

In other words, if you promote your dropshipping store on Twitter, you can easily reach a vast and financially reliable audience of potential buyers. Why miss out such a great marketing opportunity?

Is it possible to be using Twitter for business marketing with zero costs?


Indeed, it is possible to launch a paid ads campaign on Twitter, and explore different types of paid promotions available on the platform.

But, this strategy has a couple of downsides. The major drawback is the necessity to actually spend money (most likely, you have lots of much more important tasks to invest in). Besides, paid Twitter ads work best for the US-located marketers, so if you’re currently residing in some other country, the process of arranging and setting up these ads won’t really be smooth.

This is why your best bet is to stick to the free Twitter promotion options that can:

  • Increase the visibility of your tweets
  • Stimulate retweets and lead to your brand recognition
  • Boost your army of fans, followers, and buyers

Let’s figure out what you can do!

How to use Twitter for business promotion: profile setup tips


1. Think your bio through

It’s not strictly necessary to be super smart or super witty in your writings. It’s much more important and useful to briefly explain what your business is about, and to include the store link in your bio. Also, it would be a good idea to put a relevant keyword and a store-related hashtag in the description.

2. Choose the visuals carefully

In order to customize your Twitter account, you can upload a profile picture and header image, plus, choose a matching theme color. Most likely, you will set your store logo as the profile picture, and for the header image, you can make a collage out of your best selling products’ pics.

3. Integrate the profile with your store

Place the Twitter widget on your website – this way, your store visitors will be able to notice and visit this account, and subscribe to your Twitter feed.

How to use Twitter for business promotion: tweet layout tips


4. Use the tweet length to the fullest

Historically, a maximum possibly tweet length was 140 characters, but in November 2017, it got expanded to 280 characters. It gives you the opportunity not only to express your thought in a clear and intelligent way, but also to include a number of important elements in a tweet.

According to some industry analysts, link-containing tweets are more likely to be retweeted. For dropshipping store owners, obviously, it is crucial to put the relevant product or page links in the tweet. If they take too much space, use free URL shorteners like Bitly.

6. Use hashtags

Hashtags make it possible for Twitter users to find your posts, and surely, they help you attract new followers who are interested in this particular topic. So, you can add both the business-specific hashtags and the trending hashtags to your tweets. But, you need to be really careful about the trending ones: quite often, they are related to urgent global news, natural disasters, social or political riots, etc. (think of #MeToo or #BlackLivesMatter, for example). So, if you don’t know the context of this particular hashtag, check it twice in order not to make an offensive or senseless tweet!

7. Include media files in your tweets

It is possible to attach images and videos to your tweets, and it’s just the perfect way to showcase your dropshipping store products.

How to use Twitter for business promotion: tweet content tips


8. Be informative

The more engaging your tweets are, the better: if your followers can relate to your insights, or get some valuable knowledge from your feed, they will certainly keep reading you – and share your thoughts through retweets.

9. Don’t be shy to ask for retweets

It may sound obvious, but a ‘please retweet’ phrase generates 4 times more retweets than usual. Don’t forget to include it in the most important posts you’re sharing!

10. Retweet others

It can refer to both industry influencers posting breaking news, and your buyers sharing their post-purchase feedback. Your followers will be glad to learn you’re monitoring the latest market trends, and they will totally be pleased to see that you care about your clients’ views and opinions.

11. Pin the most important tweet

Similar to Facebook, Twitter makes it possible to pin any of your tweets to the top of your feed. Changing this pinned post from time to time, you can notify your followers about discounts and special offers, show the latest additions to your product offer, ask the viewers to tell about their own buying experience, etc.

How to use Twitter for business promotion: communication tips


12. Follow more people

If you’re producing and sharing interesting content, the people you’re following will subscribe to your feed, too. In order to find the people who might get interested in your store offers, use Twitter search, and add new followers regularly.

13. Engage in conversations

Twitter is all about connection: even if you don’t know the original posters personally, it is totally acceptable to participate in the dialogue they have initiated. This is how you build your reputation as a charismatic, sociable, and customer-friendly brand.

14. Track your mentions

Tools like Social Mention help you find the mentions of your store name across other Twitter accounts. This way, you can respond to these tweets, and answer the questions they contain.

15. Answer the questions publicly

When you answer the questions related to your store or niche, you, first of all, are being polite and attentive to the queries of your community. Apart from this, you’re sharing your knowledge with a wider audience, and building your professional reputation.

16. Mention others in your tweets

In order to refer to Twitter users or answer to their questions, use the @mention feature: people are much more likely to react to a tweet if they are mentioned directly by their name, so the conversation will continue.

17. Mention influencers

Renowned industry representatives and even celebrities can be mentioned directly, too. This way, you attract their attention to your account, and getting noticed by a famous person will surely have an impact on your business.

How to use Twitter for business promotion: timing tips


18. Post the same tweets repeatedly

There is nothing wrong about tweeting the same content multiple times. It is estimated that a lifespan of a tweet is about 18 minutes, and surely, not all of your followers will be online just at this exact time. This is why it is a good idea to share the absolutely identical or slightly edited tweet several times over the course of the following week.

19. Make reasonable pauses between your tweets

If you post too many tweets in a short period of time, your followers might think it’s an automated action, and they will naturally want to unsubscribe from a bot. Plus, it will be challenging for you to find enough high-quality content to keep such an intense posting frequency.

20. Track your users’ behavior

Through the activity dashboard, you can see the engagement levels and find out when your followers show the most dynamic activity. It gives you an idea of the most appropriate time to plan and schedule your tweets.

21. Use the Social Rabbit plugin

As of today, Social Rabbit is one of the most convenient solutions on the market that helps you schedule your tweets automatically, and post them in a human-like manner without your constant direct involvement. Thanks to the Rabbit, you can tweet on a regular basis with no extra effort, and such consistency is great for your profile visibility and followers’ accumulation.

Now, you know how to use Twitter for business promotion, and hopefully, you will apply the knowledge for the benefit of your own dropshipping store!

By Olga L.
Olga is a Copywriting Director at AliDropship. Having graduated from the Faculty of International Business’ as an Advertising specialist, she puts years of her copywriting experience into making clear and informative guides, tutorials, and other educational materials for dropshipping newcomers worldwide.
Fabio 5 years ago

should first fix social rabbit to make it work well, I only created problems with autopost that placed when he wants.

ABDULRAHAMAN 5 years ago

Interesting write up, can dropshipping business allows me to upload other products that are not from your supplier s.

Yaroslav Nevsky 5 years ago

Yes sure, you can add any products to your store including items from other suppliers or products created by you.

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