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How To Maximize An Online Store Profit? Get Andy Warhol Woo!

By Artyom K.

maximize online store profit

Do you have a WooCommerce store? Are you looking for ways to maximize your online store profit? If so, meet the new WooCommerce theme from AliDropship – it’s Andy Warhol Woo!

First of all, what is your online store aiming at?

Well, as a rule, dropshipping store owners try to get maximum profit from their ecommerce business. However, pay attention to the fact that, in most cases, the customers’ desire to buy something from your ecommerce store depends heavily on its appearance.

And if your store looks perfectly on any type of device, it has all chances to become a money-making one. So do you want a lucrative dropshipping store? Look at what AliDropship is happy to offer you, then!

Why is Andy Warhol Woo going to be a perfect ecommerce solution to maximize your WooCommerce online store profit?

Most of our clients are too familiar with the Andy Warhol theme that works with AliDropship Original Plugin.

Since Andy Warhol has become extremely popular among them, we have decided to make this theme compatible with AliDropship Woo Plugin. And here is what we got – meet Andy Warhol Woo!

Are you still wondering why it’s going to be a perfect decision for your online store? Let’s look at Andy-based one and find this out, then!

Conversion-boosting homepage

boost online store profit

What do you feel when you first open the online store that is built on Andy Warhol Woo?

Right, you immediately admit that it has a profit-oriented design since there are lots of promo tools on the homepage.

  • Promo banner at the header

promotion banner for online store

As soon as you get on the homepage of an Andy-based profitable online store, you can see a large promo banner at the header. In fact, there you can place any persuasive banner you’re ready to design since the theme implies enough space on top to do this.

What’s more, this is an ‘active’ banner. It means that when clicking the banner your online store visitors will be redirected to the page you’ve chosen. So use this option wisely and think in advance which page to lead them to.

  • FOMO

FOMO for online store

There are lots of ways to use FOMO (fear of missing out) for marketing purposes. In case of the Andy Warhol Woo theme, FOMO is used in the form of a ‘selling fast’ label.

So you have an opportunity to make your potential customers consider buying some products in an absolutely unobtrusive way.

  • Infinite scroll

When you surf an online store with a limited number of products on one page, at some point you understand that it’s time to stop. So you scroll down the page until the end and leave the store.

Does it sound familiar to you? Well, make sure that it’s not about Andy Warhol Woo!

If you switch to Andy Warhol Woo from AliDropship, your online store will have a homepage with infinite scroll. So you’ll be able to make users stay on your website longer, increasing their engagement with your store and improving its SEO rankings.

As a result, they are more likely to make several purchases from you!

Sounds impressive, doesn’t it?:-) So, stay tuned! We are moving to the single product page!

Motivational single product page

As a rule, a lot depends on the single product page of your online store.

But first, let’s check how it looks!

money-making single product page

It may seem that there is nothing special about this theme. However, just look at how much promotion features it has!

  • Prompting pop-up

prompting pop-up

First, when you open a single product page, you note an urging pop-up that appears for several seconds. What’s more, you are to choose the necessary time for this pop-up to appear. So your potential customers will be able to note it, meanwhile, the notification won’t disturb them.

  • Urgency banner

urgency banner

Can never have too many promotion features, right? That’s why Andy Warhol Woo has an urgency banner right under the product cost and delivery terms. It’s highlighted by the red color, so it would be difficult to miss it!

  • ‘Left in stock’ unit

left-in-stock unit

We have already pointed out several times that the product is selling fast. But where is the proof? Actually, here it is!

When your potential customers choose the product variation they would like to purchase from you, they will see how much of these products are available in stock. And if there won’t be lots of them, it’s going to be one more reason to make the decision quicker!

  • Reliability banner

reliability banner

Beyond all these promotion tools, Andy Warhol Woo is also able to boast a reliability banner.

In fact, a trust unit is a must-have for any successful ecommerce store because, in most cases, social proof is crucial for customers when they decide whether to buy from you or not. And if they see a website section that is devoted to customers’ feedback, it really helps you win their hearts!

High-converting checkout and shopping cart

Actually, the Andy Warhol Woo shopping cart looks as follows.

high-converting checkout

However, besides this, there is also a side shopping cart.

side shopping cart

It lets your website visitors open their shopping cart at any moment when surfing your online store in the search for desired products after they have added something to cart. Meanwhile they are able to do this without leaving the product category or single product page.

And now let’s consider the checkout.

  • Urgency banner

Since we are talking about a profit-oriented theme, please note that there is an urgency banner at the checkout as well. It tells your potential customers that the prices at the checkout are valid till the end of the particular period of time.

So this is one more reason for them to make a quick decision!

  • ‘Why buy from us’ units

maximize online store profit

Moreover, the checkout of Andy Warhol Woo has two ‘Why buy from us’ units. The first one demonstrates the level of your previous customers’ satisfaction.

The second one is supposed to make your customers feel sure that your online store is perfectly safe to deal with in terms of data protection.

So are you already impressed by Andy Warhol Woo? Well, there is more! 🙂

Maximizing your online store profit: extra features of Andy Warhol Woo

Beyond all these homepage single product page features, Andy Warhol Woo has something more to catch your attention!

  • Live search

maximize online store profit

There is a smart live search in Andy Warhol Woo. It means when your website visitors start typing in the search bar, they can see the search results right away.

  • Efficient mobile navigation

high-converting woocommerce theme

Since it’s 2020, this is extremely important for your online store to be not only mobile-friendly, but mobile-first. And Andy Warhol Woo has everything necessary for this!

Consistent and intuitive navigation, advanced menu, and other features are supposed to provide an easy and convenient surfing the online store for your potential customers.

How to maximize your online store profit: getting Andy Warhol Woo

profit-oriented woo theme

As you can see, Andy Warhol Woo perfectly suits any dropshipping store since it was designed as a profit-oriented theme. And if your marketing strategy implies the increase of your store profit margins, Andy Warhol Woo is exactly what you need!

So how to get Andy Warhol Woo?

  1. First of all, you need to have an online store. Haven’t you built it yet? Then, start an online business with AliDropship!
  2. Check whether your online store is built with WooCommerce.
  3. Next, go and order Andy Warhol Woo!

After that, feel free to enjoy your profit-making dropshipping journey!

Final takeaway: maximizing your online store profit

Well, if you set course for maximizing your online store profit, the Andy Warhol Woo theme can become your perfect solution. Actually, it has all the necessary features for you to make a very profitable dropshipping store!

What’s more, in case of ordering Andy Warhol Woo, you can count on free updates, free customer service, built-in cross sell, wide-range of customization options, etc.

So whether you’re an ecommerce newbie or an experienced entrepreneur with an established business, AliDropship has the perfect solution for you!

Feel free to order Andy Warhol Woo and enjoy maximizing your online store profit!

By Artyom K.
Artyom is a senior copywriter at AliDropship. Having received a BA degree in International Communication and MA degree in Advertising, he started his career working in a multinational petrochemical enterprise as a marketing specialist. To date, for a number of years, Artyom has been sharing the latest ecommerce trends with you, creating guides on how to start an online business from scratch, and keeping you updated on new IT solutions that help you optimize your venture.
Sameer Hamid 3 years ago

Is it possible to use theme on multi domains or its a single domain license theme ?

Olga L. 3 years ago

Hi, thank you for your interest! It’s a single domain license theme.

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