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Meet Van Gogh: Superior Theme For Your Single Product Website

By Artyom K.

single product website

Do you want to create a single product website? Are you looking for a profit-making theme for your store? Well, meet Van Gogh: a winning theme for your single product website!

Sometimes it can be a bit challenging to choose a theme for your online store. However if you do this right, you can significantly benefit from this!

Today we are going to talk to you about themes for your online store. Moreover, it will be all about the theme for your single product WordPress website. So, meet one of the best profit-making themes of AliDropship – it’s Van Gogh!

Well, what’s so special about this theme? Why can it claim to be a perfect decision for your profit-oriented single product website? And, finally, what are the benefits of having a single product website?

Today’s article is going to answer all these questions. So stay tuned!

Is a single product website worth starting?

create single product website

Some of our clients know for sure that a single product website can become a perfect decision for their ecommerce business. We have already discussed this point in the article about single product websites and their profitability.

So let us remind you of the main points why creating a single product website is a perfect way to start your own ecommerce business.

If focusing on making a single product store when building your ecommerce business, you have the following advantages.

  • You need only one business idea

It means that you don’t need to look for lots and lots of popular products that are in demand and lots of reliable suppliers you can safely deal with. You have only one product and 1-3 trusted suppliers from different countries to quickly deliver packages to your customers.

  • Marketing focus is aimed at your only product

You don’t need to promote dozens of items, so you can focus on your only product and advertise it in a right way. However, please note that in order to succeed in making a profitable single product website, the product you’re going to sell needs to be extremely popular, affordable, etc.

  • You can check personally the product you sell

You have to admit that as an online store owner it’s logical to be sure that the products you sell are of high-quality. And if we are speaking about a single product website, it’s not a big deal to order this product and check it. In that case, you can be sure what it’s made of, what’s about its quality, etc. Consequently, with this information, it will also be easier for you to promote it since you know its advantages.

In fact, we don’t mean that an online store that sells lots of different products can’t be a perfect decision for your business. On the contrary, the more popular items there are in your ecommerce store, the more likely you are to hitch a jack-pot.

However, please note that having a great product idea, it’s going to be easier for you to boost your single product website, and it will become your stable source of high income!

So, the benefits of a single product website are obvious. However in order to get these benefits, having a great product idea is not the only thing. Actually, one of the main aspects of your business success is a theme. In this case, this is a WordPress theme for your single product store.

Why does the Van Gogh theme from AliDropship perfectly suit your single product website?

First of all, please pay attention to the fact that AliDropship develops themes for ecommerce businesses, specifically for dropshipping. That’s why these themes have particular features you can easily benefit from during your dropshipping journey.

However in this article we discuss running a single product store. And a theme for a single product website can have its own features.

So what’s so special about the Van Gogh theme from AliDropship? Why is it going to be a perfect decision for your single product website? Let’s find it out!

Clear navigation

The Van Gogh theme from AliDropship consists of several pages. The main of them are the following:

– Homepage

single product website

– Product page

single product page

Advanced homepage


Homepage lets you add a product description. It can include a product image, several chequered description units, an active link to any page you want, video, your online store features, product card with a link to the Product page, subscription form, etc. In practice, the homepage of Van Gogh theme includes all the necessary components that are must-haves for you to build a money-making online store that is to sell a single product.

Profit-oriented product page


Your product page is going to look sweet and simple. You can place your product description on it. And below, there is a space for your product feedback, delivery terms, FAQs, etc.

Please pay attention to engaging visual review content. Social proof definitely plays one of the major roles in converting your website visitors into customers. And since the Van Gogh theme is a profit-oriented one, we placed special emphasis on the feedback section. So big review images are supposed not only to consider your product in detail, but also provide a basis for building up trust.

Side shopping cart

Although we are speaking about a single product website, this theme provides you with an opportunity to use shopping cart and side shopping cart. However, there is only one product in your store. It would be better for you to note the other theme feature – when your potential customers click the ‘add to cart’ button, you can automatically redirect them straight to the checkout.

Multi-step or one-page checkout

multi-step checkout for online store

The Van Gogh theme from AliDropship lets you choose which checkout you are going to use: multi-step or one-page.

Moreover, there are three conversion boosters on the checkout: Countdown timer, Why buy from us, and trust badges.

Well, does the Van Gogh theme have all the necessary features to be positioned as the most profit-oriented one for your single product website?

How to get Van Gogh from AliDropship for your single product website?

best theme for single product store

So if you want to build your own money-making business based on a single product website, it’s high time for you to go and get the Van Gogh theme from AliDropship! But how to do this? Actually, there is nothing challenging about it.

First of all, you need to have an online store. Don’t you have one? Then, start your own ecommerce business easily with AliDropship.

By the way, nowadays AliDropship is happy to provide you with several opportunities to start a profitable business with ease.

1) Order a Custom online store in accordance with your preferences only

2) Purchase an Established business that already brings profit

3) Buy a Premium store and begin to make money today

Finally, if you have an online store, go and order the Van Gogh theme for your business and start to benefit from it right now!

A theme for your single product website: final thoughts

best WP themes

Well, if you’ve decided to set a course for a profit-making online business, but you’re only a newcomer in ecommerce, consider running a single product website as one of the simplest ways to take off.

And the Van Gogh theme from AliDropship is going to perfectly suit your newly-made online store since it has all the necessary features to become your profitable business decision!

And here is one more reason for you to choose a theme from AliDropship – all the AliDropship themes include:

  • Free customer support
  • Free theme updates and new features
  • Wide range of customization options, etc.

Well, do you want to get the Van Gogh theme for your single product website right now?

By Artyom K.
Artyom is a senior copywriter at AliDropship. Having received a BA degree in International Communication and MA degree in Advertising, he started his career working in a multinational petrochemical enterprise as a marketing specialist. To date, for a number of years, Artyom has been sharing the latest ecommerce trends with you, creating guides on how to start an online business from scratch, and keeping you updated on new IT solutions that help you optimize your venture.

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