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Find The Best Products To Sell Online With DropshipMe Plugin

By Yaroslav Nevsky

products to sell online

What are the best products to sell online in your store? Do you already know the answer? Or are you spending long hours on AliExpress in your search?

We can help you fill your dropshipping store with the absolute best, profitable items! Meet DropshipMe plugin – the real catch for any online entrepreneur.

We have a long history of managing our own dropshipping stores. Therefore, we know what tasks take the longest hours in this business.

One of such tasks is creating a great product offer. It demands lots of your time and energy!

We understand that this process is important and not always easy. So, we help our clients pick the hottest money-making products to sell online. To do so, we publish guides and tips on choosing the best products for a dropshipping store. Of course, we also assist our custom store buyers – we import quality items on their sites.

Now, there is something more we can do to support your business!

DropshipMe, our newest plugin, helps you forget about product concerns. Instead, you focus on the things that matter.

Let’s take a closer look at this plugin!

What is DropshipMe?


DropshipMe plugin is an awesome free solution that supplies you with demanded products. Besides, it was developed by our experts who know everything about managing product offer.

This plugin offers you a database of over 50,000 best selling dropshipping products on AliExpress! And, the list of the available items grows every day.

The best part?

The products are professionally pre-edited!

Every one of these 50,000+ items is manually edited by our specialists. So, every item has:

  • A clear and understandable title
  • An informative, buyer-friendly description
  • An appealing image gallery of high quality products
  • A recommended price

This is how a pre-edited product looks in this database:


And what about the “+ Import” button?

Here’s the magic trick!

In a single click, you can import any of these profit-oriented products to your store. Your website visitors will love the new items and their amazing pages. So, new large-volume orders won’t be long in coming!

Watch this video to learn how the plugin works:

Who can use the plugin?

If the plugin is so awesome, is it limited in use?

Absolutely not!

In fact, you can install DropshipMe plugin on any WooCommerce store! In this case, the plugin works even if you’re not using AliDropship solutions.

So, you can use DropshipMe plugin if you have:

Any of these options is fine! In any case, the plugin will work smoothly, and you will enjoy its numerous benefits.

So, how exactly will you benefit from the plugin?


Here are the 5 reasons why every DropshipMe user is a winner!

#1 You can start for free

This is so important for a dropshipping newcomer, right?

Look at the DropshipMe packages. You can import up to 50 amazingly edited products at zero cost!

For a new store, it’s enough to have an inventory of 50 products to sell online. Later, at any moment, you can upgrade the package for a one-time payment. Of course, with more items in your store, you will easily develop a larger-scale business.

#2 You will have more orders

Our team picks the items for DropshipMe database very carefully. The experts do market research and learn everything about the demanded items.

We only add the best selling products to the database. So, your visitors will be excited with the new products! And surely, they will buy from you more.

#3 You will see more impulse purchases

The pre-edited product pages look clean and professional. Therefore, your store visitors will have much more trust in your store!

They won’t be afraid to buy from this online store. Plus, the edited product pages are super appealing. So, the clients will be much more willing to buy something from you! As the result, you will enjoy better conversions and more repeat purchases.

#4 Your business will grow quicker

When you use the DropshipMe database to import the products to sell online, you waste no time on their info editing. It means that you can start selling right after import.

Forget about long hours spent on AliExpress! No more hard work of improving pictures and rewriting product details! Use the ready solution, and grow your sales faster with no efforts!

#5 You will have more time for customer service and promotion

You save lots of your business time because the products are already optimized. Plus, you do no market research and conduct no industry analysis!

Instead, you can focus on providing great customer service. This is how you will create a wonderful shopping experience and increase shoppers’ loyalty.

Also, it gives you more time to spread the word about your awesome store. You can concentrate on marketing strategies that attract more buyers and boost your profit.

Does it sound like an opportunity of a lifetime?

If you have any questions about the plugin, please refer to its official Help Center. Or, you can contact the support team at

Are you still unsure what products to sell online? Use the power of DropshipMe plugin, forget all your product concerns, and focus on making money!

By Yaroslav Nevsky
Yaroslav is a founder of AliDropship Community helping people worldwide to start and run a successful dropshipping business.
Mik Janeck 5 years ago

DropshipMe plugin is superb. I’ve doubled my inventory in less than an hour, and I absolutely love the products selection in the database. Thank you guys for making a free plan, it is very fair move to people who want to start their home based business, but first want to try ecommerce without investing money.

Mickael 5 years ago

This is an awesome plugin it helps save me time to choose item to my store. But i have a question to ask ” why then the description has specification details in it?” Is the description recommendable or should i create mine?

Thank you

Merry 5 years ago

I have switched to the new plugin to test it and also because I cannot get my normal Alidropship plugin to work anymore. Nothing I have done has changed it. Anyway, at first I loved the new plugin but what happened to the great description and prices? I had to remove 5 items because the aAliexpress prices were showing. Does anyone else have this issue? Maybe I should be asking in the forum, not sure… I loved the plugin up to this point…:(

Yaroslav Nevsky 5 years ago

I think you forgot to click Import settings and activate the option to add recommended prices.

Azizi 5 years ago

What different this with Product Data Entry Service

Olga L. 5 years ago

Thank you for the question!

We’ve introduced the Product Data Entry Service much earlier: at that time, the DropshipMe plugin didn’t even exist.

Now, DropshipMe plugin is a more advanced solution. It offers you an extended database, and the most important part – it lets you import up to 50 first products for free. In the Product Data Entry Service, you have to pay for every new uploaded product.

Ola Tunde 4 years ago

I have Custom AliDropship store. Can you give me a step-by-step guide on how to additional products?

Olga L. 4 years ago

Hi, thank you for your question!

This is how it works:

– You download DropshipMe plugin from this page: – you can start using it for free as the first 50 products don’t cost you anything
– You receive a Thank You message that contains the download link and your unique API key. Activate the plugin using the following instructions:
– You activate the API key you received: please, follow these instructions to do it
– You start importing products from the DropshipMe database: please, follow these instructions to do it
– When you’re out of free products to import, you buy a package with a bigger number of products (see the packages here, and repeat the previous steps

Best of luck with your venture!

De Wet 4 years ago

I have a custom built store but it says I cannot use the Dropship Me plugin on my Alidropshipping store, It has told me to deactivate it. Why? Surely it would be to my advantage to get picked out for you products?

Olga L. 4 years ago

Hi, thank you for your question!

We’ve integrated DropshipMe functions right into AliDropship plugin, so you still can use this database freely. Please, read this article to learn more about it:

michael oluwaseyi 4 years ago

Hello guys, I have 2 AliDropship plugin license and i want to sell one.. Who is willing to buy.

jaminhappy 4 years ago

Can I use this dropshipme plugin in the Hipkart store by using CSV files?

Olga L. 4 years ago

Hi, thank you for your question!

No, DropshipMe does not support Hipcart, it is compatible with WordPress only.

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